Comparative assessment of the regional budget expenditures on scientific and innovation activity

On the basis of the data of the Federal Treasury and Rosstat were carried out comparative analysis of the consolidated budget expenditures of the Far East Federal District on scientific researches and innovation activity for the period of 2005-2014 years. For determination of economic value of usage of budgetary funds on scientific researches used such indicators as the internal expenditures on scientific researches and development, the expenditures on technological innovation and amount of used cutting-edge production technologies. The evaluation results showed that the value of deductions from the regional budgets on scientific researches on individual economic entities significantly varies, is caused not only by the absence of relevant national and regional development strategy of scientific researches, but also by lack of stability in the amount of formation of the annual revenues of the entities, as well as tightening of international economic policies that negatively impact on the national and regional economy, etc. It was found that the largest budgetary expenditures fall on «National Issues» and «Applied researches in the field of the national economy». It was noted that budgetary funds are allocated for carrying out fundamental research only in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Keywords: Financing the science, efficiency of budget expenditures, fundamental and applied researches, innovative production


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