Innovative development of «gazelles» and «new business» in Russia: the systemic-structural analysis

The article focuses on managerial relations arising in the process of innovation development is relatively new entities in the Russian «gazelles» and «new business» (the creators of «blue oceans» — unknown, free from competition spaces, that is, industries that are only formed). Systematic approach is used, which allows to investigate characteristics of the innovative development of these types of business in the common economic space, as well as applied methods, comparative and factor analysis, benchmarking. Their application relies on an extensive information base, including recognized ratings from the leading rating agencies in Russia (for example, Expert RA), which ensured the representativeness of the study results, the validity of assessments the validity of the conclusions of the article. Systemic-structural analysis of innovative development of these subjects includes a set of selected assessment characteristics authors: for «gazelles» — the industry, innovation factors, success features «Gazelle», which uses technological innovation, the territorial location; for «new business» is an activity, a priority type of innovation, the conditions for the development of «new business», which uses technological innovation, the structure of initial investments, the age of the entrepreneurs and their customers, organizational-the legal form, number of employees, particularly promotion of products, the specificity of the effect in the related industries, geographical location, involvement in the process of globalization. Thus, the problem of the specificity of innovative development of the Russian «gazelles» and «new business» is updated and investigated, presented in the totality of their qualitative characteristics. The results of the study can be applied in the work of the Executive bodies of state authorities of Federal and regional levels in the formation of the innovation strategy, and strategic investors, fast-growing small and medium innovative enterprises and higher education institutions as special rates

Keywords: small and medium businesses, «Gazelle», «new business», innovation development, investments, industry, region


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