Organizational-economic mechanisms of development of innovative infrastructure of the region

In the article the classification of factors of development of innovation infrastructure (R&D) will be separated into activating and inhibiting innovation development. Developed and tested a mathematical model of the impact of the significant factors in R&D activities of innovative enterprises Presented a set of measures for the development of R&D, including: methods of assessing of the effectiveness of R&D on the basis of key indicators; recommendations to improve the organizational development of innovation activities of enterprises in the context of realization of IIR

Keywords: innovative infrastructure, region, innovatively active enterprises


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2. Source: Agency for attraction of investment in Kursk region [Electronic resource] URL:

3. Source: Decree of the RF Government of December 8, 2011 № 2227-R "strategy of innovation development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020"// legal Information portal Garant [Electronic resource] URL:

4. Source: Innovation center "SKOLKOVO" [Electronic resource] URL:

5. Source: Innovation in Russia [Electronic resource] URL:
