Model of effective system of technology transfer in universities and scientific organizations in Russia

This article presents general model of University Technology Transfer and Marketing Centre (TTMC). The model is designed to fill the communicative gap between inventors, industry representatives and university administration in Russia. We consider that to gain success TTMC should aim to reach the following goals. Firstly, to unite now-separated processes of commercial researches, patent selling and innovative entrepreneurship in one general process of assets formation and its promotion to the market. Secondly, to form intensive and proactive communications network with inventors and researchers inside the university, and industry, venture capital and market representatives outside the university. We also suggest several instruments, that can be useful for the first steps of TTMC: mission statement and KPI system, focused on the goals, mentioned above. Creating of this model was part of the project «Development of innovations ecosystems of Russian universities and scientific centres», realized by Ingria Business-Incubator on request by RVC from September 2014 to march 2015.

Keywords: Innovations distribution management, innovations infrastructure, instruments for innovation activities, innovations ecosystem


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