Evaluation of the strategic prospects for the development of clusters using the book value and sales multiples

This paper proposes an approach to identify the core of the company, the future of innovation and industrial cluster in order to subsequently expand this business to a pilot cluster in the region. For this proposed use multiples of the book value, the multiplier Tobin’s Q and multiples of sales. They allow you to find out whether in the near future, the company investigated the potential to become the core of the future cluster. Also, using the multipliers can check whether a large company present the position of the ‘core of the cluster’. To this end, multiplier of the book value compared with the yield spread, and multipliers of sales to the profit margin. In the case of low values of multipliers and high yield spreads and profit margins, as well as if the multiplier Tobin’s Q greater than 1, the company is undervalued in the stock market in the coming years will grow more rapidly than others in the industry or cluster. As a result, we obtained the following practical conclusions. Comparison of JSC ‘GAZ’ two types of companies operating in the same industry, i.e. JSC ‘AvtoVAZ’ and PJSC ‘KAMAZ’, revealed that the company is reasonably chosen nucleus of the Nizhny Novgorod industrial innovation cluster. In addition, comparing the thus obtained evaluation of the brand of JSC ‘GAZ’ in the 89,32% and 97,29% of the estimated value of the company, in the conclusion that the value of the brand — an indicator is not absolute but relative.

Keywords: cluster, core of the cluster, multiplier of the book value, multipliers of sales, brand value of the company

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