Glocalization of innovations: the role of clusters and transnational context in regional development

Modern development of regional innovations is influenced by two trends: the increasing role of global connections and the persistent importance of geographical proximity of actors. This dual nature of spatial factor in regional innovations and the need to take into account multilevel dimensions ranging from local to global, foregrounds the need to study the phenomenon, which can be described as «glocalization of innovations». The paper aims at reviewing the theoretical basis of local – global trends in regional innovation process, articulating a working definition for «regional innovation system glocalization», analyzing various scenarios of regional innovation policy development regarding global connectivity and local density dimensions. Special emphasis is put on outlining practical guides for regional innovative performance based on the best use of local assets and fitting the global networks, with an in-depth analysis of clusters as the most suitable intervention for all regions to support glocalization of innovations

Keywords: glocalization; clusters; regional innovation system; internationalization

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