Innovation infrastructure in the new industrialization: the application of methods of innovation

In the article author presents a list of features that take place during the innovation infrastructure’s development and functioning in the modern Russia. The existence condition for nowadays Russian economy’sиmaintaining and development is carrying out the new industrialization, based on the knowledge economy methods and innovation management. It’s proved that one of the basic reasons for the Russian industrial enterprises’ and business groups’ insufficient innovation activity is a lack of an economic institution, which institution is to carry out a coordination between the different levels of the innovation activities as a part national innovation system. Author presents a hypothesis that the conditions for the new industrialization processes’ development require the qualitative changing of the innovation infrastructure’s role in the innovation systems of the different levels. Now this role is being understood as a number of auxiliary institutions, and the innovation infrastructure should play a role of the innovation system’s backbone component. Some ways of the engineering activities’ organization as a part of innovation infrastructure are also presented.

Keywords: new industrialization, innovation management, innovation infrastructure, engineering


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