Features of teaching the discipline «Tools of intellectual property protection» within the direction 27.04.05 «Innovatika» in St. Petersburg polytechnic university

The beginning of the fourth industrial revolution involves the construction of a fully digital industry based on the application of modern information technologies. The digitalization of the economy has predetermined the emergence of demand for relevant competencies in both completely new and traditional spheres of activity, which has led to the transformation of the current and the emergence of new training programs for specialists at all levels of education. The article deals with the history of the direction of training «Innovatika». The article describes the current state of «Innovation» as a direction of higher education in St. Petersburg polytechnic university. The methodology and features of teaching the discipline «Tools for intellectual property protection» are described in detail.

Keywords: digital economy, innovation, personnel support of innovation, interdisciplinary training of undergraduates, intellectual property


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