Development of higher education «Innovation» at the department of innovation management SUM

For a century, the State University of management (SUM) is the flagship of management education in Russia. The University trained and train highly qualified specialists capable of ensuring effective management of production and economic systems of various industries and spheres of activity. Since its Foundation in 1975, the Department of innovation management has set the organization and management of research and development, the development of new products and advanced technologies as the main priority. The Department was the first in Russia, in 1995, began to produce specialists in the field of innovation management. Since 2005, SUM conducts training in the direction of higher education «Innovation». The article presents an assessment of the results of the implementation of the bachelor's degree program «Innovation» at the State University of Management (Moscow, Russia) in 2011-2019. Special attention is paid to the study of the relationship between the set of entrance examinations and the initial competencies of students entering the educational program «Innovation». Recommendations on increasing the involvement of 1st and 2nd year students in the educational process are given

Keywords: applicants, students, higher education, innovation management, SUM


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