Artificial Intelligence in the management of innovation projects

A characteristic feature of an innovation project as an object of management is a high degree of uncertainty in the types and timing of work, time and financial costs. The project manager is usually forced to make decisions in the context of incomplete or unreliable information, which makes it impossible to use analytical methods to select the optimal or best solution. Experts from relevant subject areas are usually involved in solving the problems of analysis, selection and justification of decisions. Examination of solutions requires considerable time and financial costs. It is possible to reduce the cost of the examination, to improve the quality of the decisions made by using the expert system as a decision-making tool. With the expert system, you can assess the commercial potential of innovation, evaluate the effectiveness of investments, evaluate the risks of a project. Knowledge in the knowledge base of the expert system should be presented in the form of a set of rules of logical inference. The use of an expert system as a tool to support decision-making in managing an innovative project will reduce the time and financial costs of conducting examinations and improve the quality of project management

Keywords: artificial Intelligence, innovation management, expert system, decision support system (decision-making tool), innovation project, innovation


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