What factors affect regional innovation activity?

Regional innovation policy requires the specification of the main support directions and definition of target indicators, so the studies of the regional innovation activity factors are widespread. The results of the most significant publications in Russia and abroad are analyzed and summarized in this article. An analysis of econometric studies, mostly based on the model of knowledge production function has shown that the important factors of regional innovation activity are: interrelated private and budgetary expenses on R & D increase, co-location of fundamental and applied science centers, human capital quality development and the rapid development of technology transfer centers. At the same time there are fundamental indirect factors that are hardly to be influenced : the level of economic diversification, the historical background of the regional innovation system development, the level of innovation development of the neighboring regions, etc. In other words, innovation activity is a multifactorial phenomenon associated with the development of regional innovation systems, which is not determined solely by the scope of R & D funding. The results can be used as a basis for further empirical research in Russia, as well as the policy advice basis.

Keywords: innovative activity, knowledge production function, knowledge spillovers, human capital, research and development, innovation, regional innovation systems, innovation policies.


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