Innovative approaches to the design professional environment of the management technopark’s participants: financial and tax aspect

The potential of the Internet in the area of financial and tax management is enormous, but its technological possibilities poorly understood, and network resources are often used spontaneously and are not comprehensive. The purpose of this article — the mastering of the role of second-generation Internet services in building on its platform professional environment of the management technopark’s participants: the management company and its residents. In the context of the considered area are outlined technological, social and didactic characteristics of Web 2.0, described it social services, shows the prospects and the possibilities of their practical application, analyzes the ways to integrate new technologies in the management process of financial-tax activities of the economic entity. In article are formulated conclusions and proposals to overcome the backlog in the context of technological development, proposed a scheme of the technological platforms for the development of professional management environment of technopark

Keywords: technopark, finance, taxes, Web 2.0, innovative technologies, social services, professional management environment of technopark, professional environment of the technopark’s resident


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