STEAM-education and IT-employment as factors of adaptation to the digital transformation of the economy in the regions of Russia

The digital transformation of the economy, accompanied by automation of production and services together with the spread of unmanned technologies, can lead to the increase of unemployment, inequality and social exclusion. It is necessary to develop tools for the labor markets adaptation, the main of which is the reproduction and attraction of human capital to those fields that are least exposed to such risks. This field is often denoted by the concept of «STEAM» (abbreviation), which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. According to our calculations, the share of these specialties in the training system from the enrollment position is 24,3% (the share of graduates is 18,7%), that is lower than in a number of developed countries. More than 1/3 of the country's specialists are trained in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan Republic, Rostov and Samara regions. The share of the highest priority training fields (information technology, robotics and art) is only 8%. For the adaptation, the issue of concentration of specialists working in the field of information technology (IT) is also very significant. Now there is a little more than 1,2% of employees in IT-sphere, while more than 65% is concentrated in 10 leading centers of Russia. According to econometric calculations, to increase the number of such specialists in the Russian regions it is necessary to develop the information and communication infrastructure, to enhance the corresponding capabilities of the education system, to use the scientific and technological potential more actively and to create the conditions for entrepreneurial activity

Keywords: STEM, STREAM, digital economy, Russian regions, human capital, robotization, 4th industrial revolution, education, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship, national projects, nescience economy


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