Centers of global technological excellence — mechanisms of advanced innovative development

The article considers centers of global technological excellence (CGTEs) as the mechanisms of advanced innovative development to create products and technologies, which have global superiority and provide temporary monopoly position in the market. The authors introduce the new concept of «scientific» and «innovative» CGTEs, based on different technology readiness levels (TRLs). The basis of the CGTE is the unique technological competence (UTC) of the team of specialists of the level of global superiority. The paper presents the process of UTC creation while solving problems and tasks of global challenges and forecasts of scientific and technological development, as well as the UTC life cycle, including the stages of global superiority, competitiveness and mass application. Management of UTC and Сenters of global technological excellence or Сenters of global technological competitiveness (CGTCs) enforce the processes of identifying and commercializing existing unique technological competences and creating new UTCs, attracting external UTCs, CGTEs and CGCCs to the framework of the organization. The management can be established in industry, science, education, startups, as well as at the levels of regions, industries and the country as a whole. To speed up the creation of mechanisms of advanced innovative development based on CGTEs, the authors propose to create of an infrastructure of CGTE accelerators and Exchange of competences. The authors have developed the basic provisions of the concept of advanced innovative development of organizations based on the management of UTCs, CGTEs, CGTCs, requests for external innovations and applying of TRIZ tools. There are also other innovations proposed in the work

Keywords: advanced innovative development, globally superior products and technologies, unique technological competence (UTC), requests for external innovations, «scientific» and «innovative» Centers of global technological excellency (CGTEs), Centers of global technological competitiveness (CGTCs), CGTE accelerator, Exchange of the competences


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