Digital culture, skills of innovative entrepreneurship and intellectual property management: upcoming competences

The authors consider skills of innovative entrepreneurship and management of the results of intellectual activity among the challenges of the new industrial revolution and digital culture. Authors discuss the modern educational products in the field of intellectual property management and their impact on the development of the domestic culture of the creation and protection of intellectual property. Using the methods of comparative analysis of statistical indicators of world patent activity, the directions of improving the training of personnel for the innovative economy were identified. The authors propose the formation of an integrated training system, starting with secondary education, through higher education to additional professional retraining. Existing projects to create an educational ecosystem for the development of creative creative thinking and skills for managing the results of intellectual activity among schoolchildren and students are considered. The main prospects for the development of these educational paths are proposed in connection with the expansion of the scope of patent analytics

Keywords: intellectual property management, digital economy, educational ecosystem, higher education, master’s programs, patent landscapes


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