Factor model for the development of innovative ecosystems

The aim of the study is to systematize the factors of influence of technological innovations and trends of digitalization on formation of the environment of inter-firm interactions. Based on the analysis of previous studies, an author 's definition of innovative ecosystems in the economy has been developed. Innovative ecosystems are a network community whose main goal is to organize geographically unrelated interactions between stakeholders in the innovation process, where digital technologies form an environment that provides conditions for innovative development. The main factors affecting the formation and development of innovative ecosystems, as well as the creation of a modern digital community, have been identified. The author 's model of factor impact on formation of innovative ecosystems is proposed. The model includes stages of formation of innovative ecosystems, consisting in analysis of tolerance of limiting factors, selection of strategy for development of inter-firm interactions and directions of innovation activity. Digital technologies affecting the development of innovative ecosystems and the effects of their use have also been systematized. The theoretical significance of the study is to develop the content of innovative ecosystems in the formation of a digital society. The practical significance of the results is to systematize the factors influencing the formation of innovative ecosystems, and the development of a block diagram that complements the existing schemes of formation of innovative systems

Keywords: technological innovations, digital economy, end-to-end technologies, innovative ecosystems, development factors


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