Methodology of indexing the dynamics of atmospheric pollution for estimation of environmental safety in strategic planning of regional development

Indices of atmospheric pollution are suggested that allow one to characterize the dynamics of long-range pollution in modern conditions, in the short and long term, taking into account climate change. A methodology for indexing the dynamics of atmospheric pollution has been developed, which makes it possible to damage the environment — an important component of safety in the strategic planning of innovative development of regions. For example, calculations of the introduced atmospheric pollution indices for the Kola Peninsula for January, April, July, October and year for the period 1980-2050 have been performed. The obtained results of calculations indicate, in general, a slight increase in 2020-2050. In comparison with the period 1980-2015. contribution of the west-eastern transfer of impurities to the pollution of the atmosphere over the Kola Peninsula. These results are important for the development of proposals for ensuring the environmental safety of the region and planning economic development of the country’s territories that affect the pollution of the atmosphere over the Kola Peninsula. In particular, the relevance of controlling transboundary air pollution from the nearest European countries is increasing. In addition, some caution is required when planning the placement of new industrial facilities emitting pollutants into the atmosphere on the territory of the country

Keywords: pollution of the atmosphere, long-range transport of impurities, pollution indices, climate change


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