Differentiation of socio-economic development of Russian Arctic regions

Importance. The problem of significant differentiation between some territories and subjects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation creates threats to the long-term geopolitical and intra-economic interests of Russia. To develop an effective state policy for the development of Arctic territories it is necessary to analyze the socio-economic differentiation of the subjects of the Arctic zone. Such an analysis will make it possible to identify the most urgent and acute problems of the regions, as well as to choose areas that require urgent action. In this regard, the article examines not only the socioeconomic differentiation of the Arctic regions of Russia, but also the consequences of attempts to reduce it without taking into account the internal potential of each subject. Objectives. Study of the spatial differentiation of socioeconomic development of the Arctic regions to identify problems and trends in their development. Methods. In the process of research a systematic approach and methods of statistical analysis were applied. Results. The analysis was done and the estimation of social and economic differentiation between subjects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation was made. Despite the huge importance of the Arctic zone in the development of Russia, the socio-economic development of its subjects is slow. The abundance of natural resource potential has led to a slowdown in the development of industries not related to the extraction of natural resources in which the region specializes. Application area. The main provisions of the results of the study can be used by the state authorities of the Russian Federation in determining the strategy for the development of the regions of the Arctic zone. Conclusions and Relevance. As for the macroregion, there is a significant differentiation in the level of social and economic development of the subjects of the federation of the Arctic zone. A highly specialized resource-producing economy has been formed here, the role of the manufacturing industry is very small and it is a factor in the instability of the development of the regions. To overcome this situation, it is necessary to coordinate and concentrate efforts of federal and regional state authorities and business bodies working in the Arctic

Keywords: Arctic, Arctic regions, interregional differentiation


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