Conceptual foundations of the study of megascience as an organizational and management Innovation

The article outlines the conceptual foundation for the study of the practice of creating large-scale cospecialized megaclass research facilities for collective use. Proceeding from the thesis that mega-science differs from the previous organization not quantitatively but qualitatively, it is analyzed as a key organizational and management innovation that can change the paradigm of organizaing the scientific research, directly and indirectly exerting a significant influence on international cooperation, institutional and spatial organization of the national science, its interaction with the industry and education, and, under certain conditions, interdisciplinary research. Megascience is considered as a unique form of network organization with the centralization of highly specialized material and material resources in the decentralization of intellectual resources. The article suggests approaches to the study of such an organization using the analysis of cooperative networks and cognitive mapping

Keywords: organizational and managerial innovations, megascience, megafacilities, cognitive mapping, cooperative networks


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