Diagnostics of the conditions of energy sector innovation ecosystem development

Possibilities of identification and creation of the conditions, providing energy sector innovation ecosystem development are analyzed in the article. Ecosystem evolution (including energy sector ecosystems) as a form of network cooperation is ensured by specific conditions — particular type of participants, level of sector institutional development, possibilities of technological platforms (special tool for innovation infrastructure development) functions implementation, presence of developed market and demand for innovation products. During the interview, held with the energy sector representatives, and monitoring of open sources as well, availability and the problems of the conditions elaboration, which assure innovation ecosystem development, were determined. As a result, the revealed level of ecosystem development conditions was not sufficient for the cooperation. Worked out recommendations based on the results obtained were directed towards improvement of the existing level of innovation ecosystem development conditions and to the exploration of innovation ecosystem place in Russian energy sector development initiative — Energynet

Keywords: technological platform, ecosystem, innovation ecosystem, innovation, energy sector, energy production


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