In the scientific literature under the economic effectiveness of capital investments refers to the economic effect per 1 rub. of capital investments that contributed to this effect. There are General and comparative economic efficiency. In this article we are talking about overall economic efficiency. Traditionally, the measure of effect is a particular summary measure. At the level of the national economy this indicator is the increase in national income at the level of the agricultural sector — growth of gross revenues at the enterprise level increase in profits or net production. In any case, the attention of researchers is concentrated on a volumetric increase of result in relation to the relevant costs. In our opinion, this approach cannot serve as an adequate base for measurement and evaluation of innovation processes, which is defining the structural dynamics of the economic process. To reflect in the estimates the primacy of structural dynamics require new ways of measuring, based on the structural principles of determination of effect. This article is devoted to the development of structural measuring and obtaining on its basis of the integral estimates of the objective and the economic efficiency of capital investments in the agricultural sector using the data from the Russian statistics
Keywords: technological innovation, capital investments, integrated assessment, economic efficiency
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