Priority innovation clusters of St. Petersburg

In the scientific sources considerable attention is paid to the development of regional innovation clusters. Cluster development should be seen as the dissemination of new knowledge. That provides the effective interaction of different economic entities; the emergence of new businesses, including knowledge-intensive businesses; dissemination of innovative products. That is one of the most powerful competitive advantages of the region and the country as a whole. Nowadays there are the mechanisms of the state support of clusters in Russia. And there is also the positive experience of enterprises activity within the cluster and the interaction of enterprises with international counterparties in Russia. As for the Russian business it is a competitive advantage and a strong position in the international and Russian markets, and also it is a high export potential of cluster participants. In the context of the cooperation between Russian and European companies within the cluster there are opened the additional possibilities of obtaining the advanced industrial technologies by Russian companies and also the opportunities to access to the international markets for Russian businesses. The economics development of St. Petersburg should be viewed as subject to the formation of innovative clusters. The article describes the main priority directions of economics development in the form of functioning of such clusters as: automotive industry; harmaceutics; radiology; shipbuilding; high technologies and engineering; electronics; information technologies; the power plant industry. The author especially emphasizes promising lusters of the city such as innovative cluster of Arctic and the cluster of «clean» technologies, which together with other territorial associations are able to act as drivers of economic development of St. Petersburg

Keywords: innovative clusters of territory, cluster policy, enterprises of the cluster, enterprises of innovation activity, competitive potential of the territory


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