Quantorium reality: training young people for the digital economy

The global changes associated with digitalization promise to transform most sectors of the economy. Many jobs are becoming more technological, which requires employees to constantly acquire and update skills and competencies, first of all, this applies to digital skills and competencies. The concept of education in the digital segment of the economy is radically changing. However, traditional forms of learning are not able to meet the ever-growing needs for digital skills and competencies. They come to the aid of innovative areas of continuing education, using innovative models for training young personnel. The article describes the formation of the children's tekhno park of the Ivanovo region «Quantorium. Novatoria» as a sequential step in the development of the Novation municipal center for technical creativity, which has been forming an ecosystem for young cadres in Ivanovo since 2010. The authors show possible models and formats for immersing students in a creative innovative environment and incorporating market processes. Elements of augmented reality are integrated into the article: each picture is a label for the NovAR mobile AR application, with which the material is supplemented with 3D-images, video and photo content

Keywords: innovations, augmented reality, AR, technical creativity, STEM-education, quantorium, children’s techno park, youth entrepreneurship, digital economy


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