Methodological approaches to implementing the principles of forming a strategic planning system in the Russian Federation

The purpose of the publication is the methodological substantiation of the process of implementing the basic principles of strategic planning. The emphasis is made that, in accordance with the Federal Law «On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation», the strategic planning system as a mechanism for coordinated interaction of strategic planning participants should be formed on the basis of these principles. The authors presented methodological approaches to the organization of the functioning of the strategic planning system, and each of the described principles is presented as an integral element of building a strategic planning system. The publication discloses practical approaches to ensuring the balance of the strategic planning system and ensuring its integrity. The need is formulated to include calculations on the security of measures and tasks of strategic planning documents for all types of resources based on balance calculations, which should become the rationale for the development and adjustment of such documents. Separately, attention is focused on the advisability of using the methods of indicative planning and building a corridor of threshold values for the formation of a system of target indicators in the basic documents of forecasting and goal setting. It is shown that for target indicators in strategic planning documents, approaching or going beyond the boundaries of the threshold corridor is a guideline for the emergence of strategic risk to achieve a given level of socio-economic development and the state of national security. As conclusions in the work, it is noted that the implementation of the basic principles of strategic planning will increase the efficiency of achieving the national goals of socio-economic development and ensuring national security priorities

Keywords: strategic planning, principles of strategic planning, implementation of the principles of strategic planning, strategic planning system, public administration, public policy, balance of resources, indicative planning


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