The great challenges of the XXI century

In consider the world of tomorrow as part of a civilizational approach from the standpoint of the humanitarian and technological revolution. The world of financial globalization, which has turned into a Westernization, is a thing of the past. After passing the current point of bifurcation, the global dynamics will be determined by the interaction and rivalry of «supercivilizations», bearing their meanings, values, projects of the future. That is why the development and teaching of social and human sciences, contributing to civilizational reflection, can play a special role. Digitalization, the introduction of artificial intelligence systems, the «battle» between genuine and virtual reality will occur differently in different civilizations. In the world of Russia, culture and conscience are the most important social regulator. It is shown that without relying on them, copying the trajectory of the West, Russia will not be able to maintain or gain sovereignty in culture, social, educational, scientific and technological spaces. A number of proposals have been formulated that make it possible to quickly change the current situation for the better

Keywords: humanitarian and technological revolution, humanitarian challenge, civilizational approach, elite theory, geoculture, educational disaster, artificial intelligence, digital education, synergetics, public administration, designing the future


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