Information technologies and resources as a tool to increase business capitalization

The use of information technologies and resources to increase the productivity and value of enterprises is gaining momentum every year. The relevance of the chosen topic is confirmed by the increased competition among market participants. The analysis is conducted on the example of a shopping and entertainment complex located in St. Petersburg. In the shopping and entertainment complex was introduced a system of counting visitors, a system for collecting sales of tenants, a system shopster. Based on the information collected, the flow of visitors is studied: routes, frequency of visits and time spent in the store, as well as the portrait of a typical buyer. An indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of these technologies at the facility is the business value, stimated by the method of direct capitalization. The predicted values of the model are obtained using the statistical method of correlation and regression analysis. The authors showed that the introduction of digital technologies in the rental business will lead to an increase in occupancy of the object by buyers and tenants. The proposed option will allow companies engaged in retail trade to increase the attendance of the shopping and entertainment complex to the maximum possible value of visitors and to increase the profitability of business in an accelerated time frame. The development of the presented research is to be implemented in the future for office, hotel and production and warehouse real estate

Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, smart management approach, shopping and entertainment complex, business value


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