Elaboration of the ways of improving the sustainability, innovativeness and competitiveness of regional economies

Based on the assessments and ratings of competitive attractiveness substantiates the possibility to analyze spatial development trends and its sustainability to identify the role of the innovative factor in mitigating the consequences of challenges and risks of an external and internal economic nature. A method for assessing the sustainability of regional development based on the concepts and calculations of innovative and economic competitiveness is proposed. To quantitatively measure the sustainability of innovative an are formulated that take into account positive or negative changes in the competitive attractiveness of the regions by the study period. Based on the proposed methodical approach and the application of typological analysis the general patterns of the impact of innovation on the sustainability of socio-economic development are identified. Analysis methods are tested on statistical data of the Russian regions and especially on the North-West macroregion. The reasons of the stability and instability of certain regions of the North-West Federal District are shown

Keywords: sustainability of innovative development, innovative competitiveness, typologies of regions, the impact of innovativeness on development, Russian regions, North-West Federal District.


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