Typologies of development’s sustainability of the regions in the context of innovativeness

The article describes the influence of the regions’ innovativeness on the sustainability of development. The evaluation criteria and the methodology of creating typologies of regions by sustainability in the context of the level of innovativeness are proposed. Two typologies are considered: by the basis of combinations of sustainable and unsustainable development factors and by the level of innovativeness of the regions. As factors of sustainability, besides innovative, the factors of economic development and quality of life are explored. Attachment of typological groups of sustainability to the level of innovation potential of the regions makes it possible to reveal the influence of innovation on the increase or decrease in the sustainability of the regions’ development both for individual factors and as a whole for changing the competitive positions of the regions. The methodology for assessing the sustainability and competitive attractiveness of the regions is being tested by calculations for 83 regions of Russia by the period of 2013-2016. The graphs on the parameters of individual typological groups show certain patterns of the influence of the innovation level of the regions on the sustainability of development under unfavorable conditions of Russia's development of this period

Keywords: innovation factor, competitive attractiveness, sustainability of development, typologies of the regions, the influence of innovativeness on development


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