Integration resources of general, professional and additional professional education as a factor of success in the implementation of modern educational projects

Examples of implementation modern educational projects through the prism of digital transformation taking place in all spheres of society, including education, and by integrating the resources of general, professional and additional professional education are considered in the article. The concrete results of the work obtained during the consolidation the efforts of the participants Education Center «Kudrovo» – St. Petersburg state electrotechnical university «LETI» (ETU «LETI») – Leningrad regional institute for educational development are given

Keywords: educational projects, program «Technology» project works, professional orientation, practical-oriented approach, professional development, integration of general and additional, professional education


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  3. В. М. Кутузов, В. Н. Шелудько, А. А. Минина. С. Т. Сидоренко, И. Ю. Соловьев, В. С. Кошкина. Программа «Технология» как основа формирования ключевых компетенций школьников на пути выбора будущей профессии//Инновации. № 2 (232). 2018. С. 3-7.
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