In the current economic situation of financial and economic difficulties, the introduction of new sanctions against Russia, the widespread transition to import substitution, the state is increasing the activity of interaction with private investors and transfers them to the management of public infrastructure on the principles of public-private partnership. In the industrial sphere, the transition to the model of public-private partnership allows to improve the economic situation of the industrial enterprise by attracting additional sources of income, optimizing costs and creating conditions for scientific and technological development in the industry. The use of PPP mechanism in the industry has great potential, especially in the conditions of modern economic instability and implementation of the import substitution strategy, which will create new jobs, attract investment in innovative projects, improve the efficiency of capital investments in the industry. The article deals with the features of project implementation and the possibility of public-private partnership in the industrial sphere. The models of choosing the form of PPP project implementation in the industrial sphere are proposed
Keywords: industry, public-private partnership, choice of form, model
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