Vectors of the regional innovation policy: the importance of public participation

The paper analyses emergent theoretical and practical approaches to the regional innovation policy. It shows that cluster, system and evolutionary approaches remain relevant at present, while ecosystem approach to territorial development is gaining ground. Conclusions made on the basis of the analysis refer to the socioeconomic policy of the regions and territories focused on intensive development. The paper concludes that the territory is increasingly seen as a «people-oriented» ecosystem, where population is not a passive consumer, but a co-author of the implemented regional policy. It shows the role of public participation in the territorial development policy formulation and implementation. Therefore, one of the main directions of the regional policy of intensive growth is active implementation of new management technologies that make it possible to improve the quality of public participation, in order to increase regulation effectiveness and ensure more efficient use of available resources

Keywords: innovation development theory, regional policy, territory, public participation, innovation.


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