The new version of the ISO 14001:2015 standard increases requirements towards the regional context of activity for companies, which now need to look at the most important regional ecologic problems while developing their ecologic policies. Considering that the penetration rate of ISO 14001 is the highest among energy companies, the scientific problem of developing methods for coordinating the ecological priorities of energy companies and regional socio-economic systems on their territory are becoming more relevant. This work suggests a two-step method of non-parametric optimization, in which the problem of increasing efficiency of energy companies on a set of ecologic and economic parameters is viewed as a sub-problem of increasing the overall ecologic and economic efficiency of the regional economic system. This task is based on the input-oriented data envelopment analysis model with constant returns to scale. The method was tested by coordinating the ecologic priorities of OJSC «OGK-2» and the Krasnoyarsk Krai
Keywords: non-parametric optimization, ecologic and economic efficiency, interest coordination, ISO 14001:2015 standard, data envelopment analysis
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