Development of innovation-imitation or open innovation in the service sector

With the advent of information age, the processes of innovation-imitation development have evolved, especially in human services. Traditional approaches to innovation development according to the models of innovative development on fundamental and applied research do not correspond completely to the basic objective of the management of innovation-oriented organizations, namely, the satisfaction of consumer needs in innovation. The article observes the stages of new service development for organizations of public catering. The study includes a benchmarking analysis of foreign and Russian analogues of development, own analysis of these organizations for detection, classification and problem solution in raising the level of customer satisfaction. The proposed approach provides direct contact with the consumer by means of continuous repeated in realtime communication. As a result, the consumer is involved in not only the development, improvement, modification of new product, but he is fixed for the product, creating a loyal group of consumers for your organization. Attracting more consumers to the service finishing, the development of new applications, we erase the distinction between the «innovation imitation» and «open innovation»

Keywords: innovation, Internet technology, service pre-orders


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