Increase of management efficiency innovation potential in the globalized economy

The purpose of this study was to develop a methodology for assessing and justifying the tools needed to improve the efficiency of the management of innovation potential in the context of economic globalization on the example of a high-tech enterprise. The studies developed a method of estimation of innovative potential of high-tech enterprise, which differs from the comprehensive approach to the analysis proposed by foreign and Russian scientists, which allows to take into account one aspect of globalization of the economy, and to ensure greater confidence in the conditions of application of expert methods. Proposed methodological approach is based on the methodology of fuzzy set theory, matrix methods of aggregation and analysis of complex systems. The advantage of the proposed in the methodological toolkit is the ability to a coordinated use of indicators which are measured in different difficult comparative values, as well as the transparency of this evaluation. Information obtained through the procedure contains a qualitative and quantitative assessment of each element of the structure of innovative capacity, which is an effective supplement to the management of the organization and allows the supervisor to take justified and high-quality solutions to improve the innovative capacity. The proposed tool, in our opinion, is essential to assess the innovation potential in the analysis of this type in the conditions of uncertainty and incomplete information. Results of the study are universal and can be used for improving the management of all economic systems

Keywords: innovation potential; systems approach; assessment methodology; management effectiveness; fuzzy sets theory


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