Analysis of the major trends in the economic evaluation of basic research

This article examines the complex issues associated with the assessment of the economic efficiency of basic research in the framework of the so-called full-cycle innovation projects, ie projects carried out from the beginning oriented research, as a kind of fundamental, through subsequent development work and to the commercialization of the results. The relevance of such a study is dictated by the current state of the economies of developed countries and the domestic economy in particular, and if national economies, with sufficient investment resources, these issues are solved by means of the use of venture capital mechanism, the countries that do not have voluminous domestic investment funds, issues estimates of fundamental Research in planning innovative projects full cycle, as practice shows, the problem is extremely urgent. The article describes the essential criteria for evaluating the economic efficiency of fundamental research oriented, depending on the subjects of evaluation, identification and motivation which is devoted to the study of relevant material. Certain provisions of this article were discussed during the International Economic Conference Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Economic Faculty of St. Petersburg State University April 21, 2015

Keywords: criteria for assessing the economic efficiency, methodology for assessing the economic efficiency, basic research, exploratory research, innovative projects of a full cycle, the discount rate, the account project risks


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