Support mechanisms for scientific and technological cooperation between the BRICS countries: multilateral calls and networking platform for the transfer of knowledge and technology

The article overviews the work carried out within the framework of Russian BRICS Chairmanship in 2015-2016 aimed on the development of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation within BRICS. Particular attention is paid to the elaboration of the multilateral scientific and technological cooperation tools including the preparation for the launch of the First coordinated call for BRICS multilateral projects and the pilot version of the networking platform for the knowledge and technology transfer between the BRICS countries. The authors presented a set of recommendations on further development of support measures of multilateral scientific and technological cooperation. The article is supported within the subsidy of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Agreement № 14.603.21.0015 from 15, October 2015, ID RFMEFI60315X0015.

Keywords: international cooperation, scientific and technological development, innovations, BRICS, coordinated calls, networking platform, knowledge and technology transfer, UNIDO


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