Analysis of the structure of russian patent owners and the problem of defining the leading scientificresearch organizations

There are presented results of patent analysis, allowing to form a rating of owners of the most extensive portfolios of Russian patents, as well as thematic fields, where Russia demonstrated high levels of innovative activity in the period from 2010 to 2015. It is demonstrated that the structure of patent owners in Russia defers in princiapl from the one established in industrially developed countries. In Russia, the accumulative share of patents, obtained by individual applicants and universities, amounted to 77,2% for the period under review, weares in developed countries this share hasn’t exceeded 10-15%. The article suggests using modern Russian scientific-technological and industrial politics to solve systematic issues, causing low scientific research intensity of domestic industrial sector, which enjoys less than 13% of patents in Russia, which is six times less than analogue indicators, in industrially developed countries.

Keywords: patent activity, rating, patent owners in Russia, technological fields, technological leaders, Russian Federation, leading scientific-research organisations, criteria for selection


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