The third component of the Humboldt University

The third mission of the University — how is the influence of the university on the development of society, the region, the creation of new meanings and technologies — how to move from the model-image of the third mission to the model-project activity of the implementation of the third mission? The article defines the tactical steps for the emergence of the third component of the university to the existing two in the structure of the classical German scheme of the Humboldt University — creating a mechanism for the implementation of the third mission of the university. It is described in detail and structurally shown how and what components should be created at the university for the implementation of the entrepreneurial track. Formation of the university as a creator of highly qualified specialists, young scientists, entrepreneurs and managers

Keywords: the third mission of the university, manager, entrepreneur, technology transfer, entrepreneurial university, entrepreneurial track, three mission university, transfer ecosystem, university venture fund — accelerator, innovation, social entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship, MVP, TRL


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