Innovation, education and artificial intelligence in the context of the humanitarian and technological revolution

I consider the innovative imperatives of the humanitarian technological revolution. It occurs at the bifurcation point. This revolution represents a quick (during the life of one generation) transition from the industrial to the post-industrial phase of development, from the world of machines to the world of people. This transition is associated with overcoming the post-industrial barrier and a number of crisis phenomena, serious problems that must be solved on a new socio-technological basis. I discuss the contours of post-industrial reality and the fundamental change in the innovation space. I show that the choice of one of the trajectories of Russia is now largely determined by the changes in the scientific, educational and technological spaces of the country. In relation to artificial intelligence, I uphold the principle of «not instead of man», but «together with man». I analyze the dangerous trends associated with the total digitalization of education, and outlines ways to overcome the current «personnel disaster». For a breakthrough, a change in the vector of development of the country is necessary

Keywords: humanitarian and technological revolution, innovative challenge, post-industrial barrier, designing the future, self-organization, synergetics, breakthrough strategy, digitalization of education, risks of artificial intelligence, technological imperative


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