Analysis of effectiveness of innovative economy formation in Russia

The article describes the main problems of innovative economy formation in Russia from the point of national security interests in the socio-economic sphere. The results of the performance evaluation of the Russian Federation State Program «Economic Development and Innovative Economy» are presented. Special attention is paid to the study of the National Technological Initiative. International comparisons of innovation activity and digitalization of national economies are presented. The methods of comparative, statistical analysis, synthesis, expert assessments were used in the study. It is established that the degree and rate of achievement of the strategic goals in the field of innovative transformation of the Russian economy are insufficient to ensure accelerated economic growth based on the widespread use of advanced high technologies in comparison with the approved plans and development dynamics of leading foreign countries. The main problems of digital transformation of the national economy are considered and recommendations on intensification of its innovative development rates are offered. In general, the presented results of the analysis form the basis for elaboration of effective management decisions to improve the effectiveness of the structural transformation process in the national economy

Keywords: innovative economy, intensification of innovative development, national technological initiative, transformation, economic security, digital technologies


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