Digital transformation of the energy sector. International experience. Russian opportunity

Talking about digitalization, we should pay attention not to the evolution of this term, but to the phenomenon it describes. For several decades, we have been talking about such a process as «Informatization», which has been actively developing under the information technology structure of the economy. Type technological structure of the economy refers to the process of transformation of available natural and later artificial resources into useful types, is able to meet his needs, and the nature of human relations in process of their joint production activities. At present, many developed countries are intensively forming new technological mode of the digital economy through the development of high technologies and industries in which ICT and digital technologies have become major resources for production of goods and services and at the same time new factors of production. The priority task of the national industrial sector is to win the global technological race, as well as to formulate a new benchmark for digitalization, which will ensure the connection of the financial and intellectual potential of our country. This study asses the current stage of «digital» energy development in the Russian market. The specifics of «digital» technologies related to the energy industry are evaluated. The main point and features of the implementation of «digital» technologies in the industry of the fuel and energy complex are realized. The business processes of the industrial enterprise EDF are analyzed using the digital technologies. The main trends for development of «digital» energy in the Russian Federation are identified

Keywords: digitalisation, energy, distribution and smart-networks, innovation, industrial economy, digital economy


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