Evolutionary contour of development of social innovations

The article examines evolutionary contour of the development of social innovations from the formation of the idea by innovator to society’s perception. The authorial contour includes all stages of socio-innovation process: initiation, invention, imitation and adaptation. The evolution of the social innovation has been analyzed through the application of the endogenous and exogenous economic institutions. Novelty of these results are the identification of the authorial stages of evolutions, which includes such stages as the formation of the idea to overcome of dysfunctions of the economic institutions, the formation of the innovative projects through ex ante institutions, implementation of the projects through ex post institutions and evaluation of the results of the implementation of the innovative project. The knowledge incrementation consists of the development of a holistic approach to the study of social innovations on the formation of the institutional contour of their evolution. The theoretical significance of the research results is to determine the patterns of development of social innovations. The practical significance of developing an evolutionary contour of innovative models in the formation of predictable models for assessing their development in the

Keywords: social innovations, public sector of economy, evolution, innovative process, economic institutions, results evaluation matrix


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