Green information technology for sustainable development: a case study assessment of the situation in Russia

It has become increasingly frequent for academic and business communities to fall back on discussing the problem of sustainability. Issues of sustainable development are closely related to the functioning of various industries, including information technologies (IT). The special effect of IT consists of the fact that no business process can be viewed without using IT. In this case, Green IT and IT for Green solutions have proven to be highly relevant, as they cover not only 2% of direct IT influence on the environment but also have a significant impact on other industries accounting for the other 98%. This means that IT can solve sustainability problems not only in their segment but in other segments as well, supporting other technologies and making them greener. The preliminary literature review shows that in Russia, Green IT and IT for Green have never been considered as part of sustainability research while outside Russia the situation is the opposite. Further, the business community demonstrates its interest in this sphere. The overall objective of the research is Green IT studying as an instrument of sustainable development of the companies working in Russia. To achieve this aim, a series of in-depth interviews with the companies’ representatives was carried out in which issues of sustainability, their objectives, the possible link to Green IT and IT for Green as well as motivation and restraining factors were discussed

Keywords: green IS, green IT, environmental sustainability, eco-efficiency, energy efficiency


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