Factor analysis of energy consumption of industrial enterprises of the Regions with different sectoral structure

In the process of planning and development of energy efficiency programs is very important consideration factors that influence energy consumption. The results of the analysis of the factors influencing the power consumption of the industrial enterprises of the two regions with different sectoral structure of industry presented in the article. As the object of a differentiated industry structure stands Novosibirsk region; with a homogeneous structure – Kemerovo region. The study was performed on the basis of official statistics using correlation methods, regression methods and deterministic factor analysis. It is considered the most significant factors affecting the energy industry, defined the nature of their influence on selected objects, made up of factor models that describe the energy dependence of the selected factors. Differences in the action of the individual factors on consumption, depending on the type of the region, the general trends identified in the influence of the studied factors were identified. Possibilities of application of analysis results in the development of energy efficiency measures in the industry with a focus on the factors that impact on the possible and appropriate

Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, the consumption of fuel and energy resources, factor analysis


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