The investment efficiency of agricultural holdings and factors of investment efficiency (on the data of the agricultural enterprises of NW Russia)

The article investigates the impact on the investment efficiency of agricultural enterprises such factors as the scale of the enterprise (the amount of used resources and output), form of ownership, organizational-legal form, region and belonging to agricultural holdings by using the regression analysis. Sources of data are financial reports of agricultural enterprises of the North-West of Russia in 2001-2012 years. Equations were built in the form of a Cobb-Douglas production function. The resulting equations showed that, in aggregate, for the investigated period the farms included in the agricultural holdings have not shown greater efficiency in use of resources than ones not included in them, nor by the increase of the fixed capital nor on growth rates of fixed capital. That is, the enterprises of agricultural holdings were not more effective investors. From the legal forms leader in absolute growth of capital and growth rates in 2001-2012 in general were Limited Liability Companies and peasant farms. Neither form of ownership has not demonstrated significant leadership in investment efficiency

Keywords: agriculture, investment efficiency, agricultural holdings


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