Improving the value of innovation projects

In the article some aspects of value-based management — VBM are considered, when creating projects. The VBM is a rapidly developing direction of the organization’s management. Based on the latest standards, the value and levels of its presentation are defined. The methods of managing the organization are analyzed and the advantages of the VBM are discussed, for which the basic principles are formulated. The authors pay attention to the creation of consumer value and highlight the issues of creating innovative value and harmonizing the relations of all stakeholders, leading to a synergistic effect of improving value. The classification of mathematical and economic methods is given and it is specified that in the conditions of obtaining fuzzy, incomplete and non-numeric information it is necessary to apply to methods of non-numerical statistics. As an example, an algorithm for assessing the harmonization of stakeholder values is provided. Considering issues of informational support of the Center, the authors briefly describe the innovative intellectual information system of Russian development: Klado (St. Petersburg, Klado Ltd., author V. Yu. Khankov). This system has found practical application in the University of aerospace instrumentation (SUAI), and the staff of SUAA are participating in the improvement of the «Klado» system, which has proved effective in practical applications in various areas of the national economy. The recommendations suggested in this article can be used to create innovative projects of various orientations

Keywords: value-based management; value of innovations; harmonization of values of stakeholders; innovative intellectual, information systems


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