Great challenges in the development of arctic areas

The presence of huge and richest arctic areas in the rapidly developing technological world creates great challenges for Russia, including effective development and use of the spatial potential of the macroregion. State policy capable of giving an adequate response to large challenges in the Arctic is only being formed. The article considers the methodology of the support zones adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation as an instrument aimed at achieving Russia’s goals in the Arctic and concludes that the proposed approach has a departure from the concept of the complex socioeconomic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The development of the territory takes place in the interests of the center and does not fully take into account the interests of the regions. Proceeding from the fact that the implementation of such a policy has negative consequences, the author proposes to adjust the strategic goal of developing the Arctic from a resource target to a spatial one, while the extraction and use of resources are primarily a financial and economic basis for the spatial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The cities and nodes of the support structure of the Russian Arctic are thus affirmed as places of concentration of competences and the basis of sustainable development. The need to change the concept of living in the Arctic from temporary to permanent is actualized. Assessment of the complexity of the projects of the support zones and their impact on the socio-economic development of the Arctic regions showed that the most developed projects are the Arkhangelsk zone and the Kola zone. The rest of the regions retain a monoprofile structure of the economy and a link to the export of raw materials. The analysis of the projects of support zones was carried out and recommendations were made. It can be concluded that despite the significant period that has passed since the formation of the foundations of state policy in the Arctic, the issues of ideological and practical implementation of the goals and tasks set by the state require further elaboration and discussion

Keywords: great challenges, arctic area, geostrategic goal-setting, support zones


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