The formation of the basic competencies for the future of engineering in the face of accelerating scientific and technical progress

The article is devoted to the problem of ensuring the future needs of the scientific and technical experts. Proposed solution in the form of building sequential trajectory formation in children of preschool age, elementary, middle and high school spatial thinking, creative competency and interest in scientific-technical creativity. The analysis of the shortcomings of approaches to organization of children’s technical creativity and sectarian movement, in which the use of computer technology is redundant and untimely. Discusses the problems of socialization of children and formation of their own core engineering competencies, due to insufficient development of fine motor skills, three dimensional thinking and the separation of the real and the virtual world. The main solution indicated in the article the problem is the incorporation of programs for children from 5 years of age in the model network of children’s parks and clubs of technical creativity for children, which focused on children older than 14 years. The proposed approach is focused on the development of children of preschool, elementary and middle school students engineering and logical thinking, comprehension of the essence of the technological process and the development of technical creativity, design and modeling of three-dimensional objects of the material world

Keywords: spatial reasoning, basic engineering competences, scientific-technical and innovative activities, programs of additional education of children


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