Methods foresight of the cluster using the arbitrage technology

Held foresight of innovation and industrial cluster. We explore different possibilities of cooperation of companies within a specific cluster and choose the option of cooperation in the form of a portfolio, which will provide the greatest synergistic effect. The proposed method is based on foresight values capitalization companies cluster functions and computation of the optimal portfolio equivalent cluster of companies with arbitration techniques. This capitalization functions are put in dependence on the two market multiples — a multiplier of revenue and profit multiplier. Separate title (company) compared to equivalent portfolios of other titles (firms). Shaping for each title corresponding to the backup list, you can identify the operation with some portfolio, and the title will bring maximum profit. The greatest synergistic effect is observed where the greater the difference between the purchased (sold) by the company and selling (buying) a portfolio of other companies. This difference is equal to the value of synergy

Keywords: foresight, cluster, synergy effect of a cluster, financial arbitrage


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