Selecting an optimal strategy for conversion of the regional energy system to low-carbon technologies

The currently popular technologies of energy generation based upon carbon-based fuel combustion are suboptimal from the viewpoint of their negative effect on the environment. Among the most important negative ecological effects of energy production are atmosphere pollution with dangerous chemical compounds (such as sulfur dioxide), large amounts of fresh water consumption, pollution of waters by badly treated waste, forming of ash dumps, dusting and filtration of which are a source of danger for the health of the population, the flora and the fauna of the nearby territories. However, elimination of these negative effects requires large expenses and is sometimes technologically difficult. Therefore, increasing the ecological parameters of energy generation represents an important practical problem, which can be mathematically formalized as a multi-criteria optimization problem. This paper researches the possibility of use of the data envelopment analysis methodology to solve the problem of selection of an optimal strategy to convert the regional energy system to more environmentally friendly energy generation technologies. A two-stage approach is suggested, with which each stage consists of applying a base data envelopment analysis model in coefficient, input-oriented form and a radial efficiency measure. The approach is tested by calculating the relative efficiencies of the production activity of energy systems of federal districts. The results obtained are compared with statistical data. The suggested approach is deemed highly informative.

Keywords: electricity, environmental effects, environmental analysis operation, optimization, multicriteria.


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